new "Reiwa" Era. "Reiwa" means "beautiful harmony." The Japanese have decided that beauty and harmony should define this new era.
Meanwhile, we Lavermans are moving into a new era of church planting, an era with a growing new team of young workers, and new facilities to work out of in Mizonokuchi and soon Musashi Kosugi (MuKo). Praise God! Yet the truth is that the process of discussing, organizing and moving through these changes is a bit more like random chaos at times than beautiful harmony. We hope in the promises of God who makes "all things beautiful in its time." Here are a few recent highlights...
Welcome Robison Family!
We're so glad to have this new family join our Cross Project team this April. Jon and Maki, and their four kids (upper right), have moved into the upper residence at Mizonokuchi Grace House (see below). They come with a decade of missions experience in Japan, language skills and servant hearts. They will be of great help in our church planting work together here in Kawasaki/ Yokohama. They join ourselves, the Mitchells and Changs (lower right).
We are learning much about each other as a new team. But we've already discovered one very important thing: we are all very good at devouring pizza together! Pray for The Cross Project team.
Mizonokuchi Grace House Opens
Construction began in February, and was finished just 6 weeks later. It was made in modules at the factory, and assembled onsite in a single day on a plot of land here Denen Grace Chapel purchased last fall. There's still a lot of DIY projects on the inside, but bit by bit we are getting set up.
What about that other place we rent on Sundays (burgundy photos below)? That's called Cozy Hall. We've used it for the last 15 years. It's perfect for larger groups and music events. We'll continue to rent Cozy Hall in Mizonokuchi for Sunday morning worship. While Grace House will be great for any group under 25 persons. Grace House and Cozy Hall are just a few minutes apart.
Get ready, people of Mizonokuchi, the gospel train's a'comin! It's making stops in Azamino and MuKo, too. No ticket needed, just get on board.
MuKo Chapel Construction Set to Begin
Meanwhile, the planning for our next church plant in MuKo reaches a big step. Our conviction that the 120,000+ of Musashi Kosugi (MuKo) need a church grew into a burden and vision, and moved us to action. You've been following along with us through the provision and purchase of property, and the raising of building funds for the chapel + living space above for us.
Our final meeting with the architect is this Friday. Construction will then begin later this month. We'll be sending out an update soon with the design and blueprints so you can get an idea of what's ahead. We're excited to finally schedule this next major step in our mission to Muko. Stay tuned!
Kevin's Parents Come. Japan Blessed.
Kevin's parents have always been prayer warriors for missions. They prayed for laborers for the harvest fields of Asia. And God answered by calling and sending their own son to Japan. This was bad enough. But taking the daughter-in-law, and little grandson with in 1999 (when our family moved to Japan) was even worse. Now, 20 years later, in the fullness of time, God allowed them to come and see some of the people and places that have been impacted for eternity by this family sacrifice.
The local hotel has improved their English immensely. And the local hardware store has gotten some international business. They added to the trade imbalance when they left with suitcases full of presents received, but Japan (and we) rejoiced by their visit here.
Gospel Music Bridges Cultures
Of all the things we have done over the years, the one outreach that continues to amaze us is gospel music. Japanese non-Christians are drawn to it. And it has continued to grow in popularity even after many years. Gospel music really is a "beautiful harmony" to the melody of the gospel message, and one that bridges cultures and languages effortlessly.
Japanese are very eclectic, picking out the best of other western cultures and integrating it into their own expression of being Japanese. Because western culture is rich with Christian heritage, these things become bridges for the gospel. God speaks in unique ways to the Japanese heart!