The change with Daylight Savings Time is probably a good time to be reminded of the many countries that remain in darkness. I am speaking, of course, of spiritual darkness. Japan would certainly rank among them. Its tiny, struggling church (less than 0.5%) faces the overwhelming task of being a light to the remaining 99.5%, or 126.5 million people in the country. Missiologists will tell you that believers in Japan, while struggling with a minority complex, have had a much greater witness than their small numbers would lead you to assume is possible.
There is great darkness in this country! There is a great need for people "turn on the light," providing hope and direction that points people to the Light of the World. There are no doubt easier countries to serve as a missionary, but each decision for Christ in Japan is that much sweeter. And the light of each witness for Christ is that much brighter against the darkness that surrounds him or her.
As for me: I like a challenge. I am determined to be that light the burns brightly here. And my light is needed much more here than back "home" in the States where believers are blessed with tremendous Christian opportunity, resources and input. I am challenged by the words of Hudson Taylor who said:
"I have but one candle of life to burn and would rather burn it out where people are dying in darkness than in a land that is flooded with light."
By God's grace, I will be that person as well. How about you?